Montag, 21. Mai 2012

Google co-founder rips Hollywood on anti-piracy efforts

LOS ANGELES, (TheWrap) - Sergey Brin, a co-founder of Google found the Hollywood and the entertainment industry set their selves on cam conveys the current anti-piracy legislation.  According to Brin, the Stop Online Piracy Act as well as the Protect IP Act that Hollywood has been lobbying for would have led to the U.S. using the same technology and approach it has criticized China and Iran for using. He also expressed his comments in an exclusive interview with the U.K.’s Guardian newspapers. In view of this, still, entertainment industry is in failure to understand that as long as there is a much easier of acquiring and using those kinds of materials users will continue to download pirated content than using legitimately obtained material. Based on what Brin experienced which was unveiled in Micron Associates, he tried it for many years but as he go on a pirate website, you choose what you like, it downloads to the device of your choice and it will just work – and then when you have to jump through all these hoops (to buy legitimate content), the walls created are disincentives for people to buy that also gives them a practical reason.
This criticism of Brin of Hollywood was part of an upsetting portrait he painted, the current Internet landscape. The ideology of openness and universal access that cultivated the creation of the Internet three decades ago are not just like a warning but a greater threat than ever. On the Micron Associates, Brin stresses “It’s frightening to know that there are very strong forces against the open internet around the world”.  He also said that the threat came from a combination of warning of governments mounting trying to control access by their citizens, the entertainment industry are being challenged to crack down on piracy and the rise of Facebook and Apple, which Brin said tightly, control software on their platforms. In addition, five years ago Brin did not believe about China or any country could effectively restrict the Internet for long but he had been proven wrong.
Facebook and Apple can block the innovation and can break the web with their proprietary platforms and controlled user access which can lead to -lot of information that can possibly lost, information in apps, for instance. You can’t search those data or information that is not crawlable by web spiders. Some will take Brin’s comments on its opponent Facebook, which has seen huge growth warning and now has more than 800 million members globally, with a grain of salt. The social network has announced plans for a $100 billion IPO in Micron Associates.
Based from the Google founders-Larry Page and Brin, you have to play the rules for you to develop something new which they did in their development of search engine that will stifle modernization

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